Summit · Anastacia Frost


Summit Screenshot Preview
Client Kalamazoo Valley Community College
Timeline August 2020 - Present
Contributors Nick Frost
Languages HTML, JavaScript, SCSS
  • Front-end development
  • Web design

Kalamazoo Valley Community College holds a bi-annual event for staff and faculty to come together and learn from each other. The event needed a single end-point for users to quickly see the days' schedule, the offerings in breakout sessions, and information about the itinerary.


I started with research on how we could display a day's timeline succinctly with the feature of hiding breakout sessions to decrease content overload. We also wanted to stick with Kalamazoo Valley's brand and overall look and feel.


Vue.js was used as the framework, Tailwind CSS for styling, and Firebase for deployment. All the technologies fit our objective of creating a robust and scalable application as the college continues to hold this event twice a year.

I handled the content and some maintenance as we continue to use this application for future events. I was constantly communicating with the Summit committee to make sure the content was clear and concise.

Nick handled the architecture and authentication. This application is strictly for Kalamazoo Valley Community College staff and faculty.


The first iteration of this application was built during a time where many companies were or had switched to a completely online structure. This created issues where we originally had different variables for the type of sessions offered, i.e. live vs. recorded vs. in-person. These issues made scaling more complex moving forward. I believe we found a good solution by conditionally rendering information and allowing for multiple types of sessions.