Elizabeth Robinson Attorney at Law · Anastacia Frost

Elizabeth Robinson Attorney at Law

Elizabeth Robinson Attorney at Law Screenshot Preview
Client Elizabeth Robinson
Timeline November 2020 - January 2021
Contributors Nick Frost
Location N/A
Languages Go, Tailwind
  • Front-end development
  • Prototype
  • Web design

Elizabeth was looking for a webpage to market her skills as an attorney. She was looking for a concise and accessible website as her target audience may be less tech-savvy than the average computer user.


I began research on other lawyers in the area to help create an image of what was successful for the demographic. I presented her with what the competition had implemented, we had discussions on what she liked and didn't like as this site would also present her personality and skillset.


Content was gathered and a Figma prototype was created to show Elizabeth a visual representation of my ideas and solidify the elements before moving onto development.

Hugo was used for its simple but effective architecture. This would also allow Elizabeth to make changes with relative ease in the future.


The contact form was the most challenging portion of this project as Hugo is a static site generator and most forms require a back-end to handle form submissions and storage. After testing a few form builders, we choose Google Forms as it was straight-forward and free to implement. Elizabeth can also set up email notifications for when the form is submitted to keep her in touch with potential clients.