ControlNET's Website & Employee Portal · Anastacia Frost

ControlNET's Website & Employee Portal

ControlNET's Website & Employee Portal Screenshot Preview
Client ControlNET
Timeline June 2015 - March 2018
Contributors Chris BrownScott Shoals
Languages HTML, JavaScript, SCSS
  • Front-end development
  • Web design
  • WordPress

ControlNET's Sales Team was looking to update their website and logo. Their website was a static HTML website and they were looking for a way to manage their content, add in an employee portal and tie in their social media.


After meeting with the Sales Team, it was decided that a traditional CMS would best suite their needs now and in the future. WordPress was chosen as the team had experience working with the CMS and its PHP architecture allowed for future customization.


A theme was chosen and customized to fit the new brand and color scheme with CSS3.

Content from the previous website was moved over to the CMS and organized into specific parts of the website for better SEO.

Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube was tied into the CMS to create a network of resources for current and potential clients to access.


Content freshness was a challenge with the previous main website. A gallery with screenshots of recent client's systems was maintained so visitors and potential clients could see the newest graphic elements implemented. A section was also dedicated to testimonials from client's which was added when a project was completed.